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Artist Rights

The copyright and moral rights of all artworks purchased through this site remains with the artist. The purchaser is buying the ownership of the physical original artwork and may reasonably display the artwork privately. No reproduction of the artwork (of any kind) can be made without prior written permission of the artist. 

The copyright of the artwork sold remains with the artist. The artist may:

  • reproduce or copy the work
  • publish the work in a book, magazine or newspaper
  • communicate the work, for example, on the internet

Moral rights are asserted by the artist in connection with all works sold on this site. The purchaser agrees that:

  • no one else can be named as the creator of the work
  • the work cannot be treated in a way that damages the artist’s reputation

If shown in public the following information should be displayed near it, and in any catalogue (printed or electronic):

  • artist’s name
  • title of artwork (in italics)
  • the materials used in the artwork
  • the year the work was made

The work must not be reproduced or displayed in public without the artist’s prior written permission or licence. Please email if seeking permission or a licence.